Use this menu to open, close, and save images, as well as to access JPEGView’s slide show and preferences options.
File menu
This menu is not available because there is a dialog box on the screen.
File menu
This menu is not available because there is a dialog box on the screen.
This item is not available because there is a dialog box on the screen.
Opens a new JPEG, GIF, or PICT image.
Opens a new JPEG, GIF, or PICT image. Not available because there is a dialog box on the screen.
Opens a new image, regardless of what type the Finder thinks it is.
Opens a new image, regardless of what type the Finder thinks it is. Not available because there is a dialog box on the screen.
Closes the active window.
Closes the active window. Not available because there are no open windows to close.
Closes all open image windows. This command does not close the Help window or any visible floating windows (Statistics, Comments, Colors).
Closes all open image windows. Not available because there are no open images.
Saves the image in the active window in either PICT, JFIF, or SCRN format.
Saves the image in the active window. Not available because the active window does not contain a JPEG image.
Opens the Slide Show Options dialog, allowing you to specify the settings to be used for the next slide show.
Opens the Slide Show Options dialog, allowing you to specify the settings to be used for the next slide show. Not available because there is a dialog box on the screen.
Begins JPEGView’s slide show, using the most recent settings.
Begins JPEGView’s slide show, using the most recent settings. Not available because the current settings are invalid.
Brings the current slide show to an end.
Brings the current slide show to an end. Not available because no slide show is currently running.
Displays a dialog box which allows you to set paper size, orientation, and other printing options.
Prints the current image at its maximum size on a single sheet of paper. You can specify printing options (such as the number of copies) in the dialog box that appears.
Prints the current image at its maximum size on a single sheet of paper. Not available because the frontmost window does not contain an image.
Opens the Preferences dialog, allowing you to modify the way JPEGView normally works.
Opens the Preferences dialog, allowing you to modify the way JPEGView normally works. Not available because there is a dialog box on the screen.
Closes all open windows and quits JPEGView.
Closes all open windows and quits JPEGView. Not available because there is a dialog box on the screen.